Moonlit Lake

Hi! We're Moonlit Lake, a dissociative system of way too many. /lh.

commission slots status;;

0 in queue5 available
System info;;

Traumagenic;; introject heavy and splits easily


Body info;;

21;; prof diagnosed CPTSD, ADHD, GAD, SAD, & MDD





Hosts & Frequent Fronters
โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹…โœงโ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€

click their icons to view their personal profiles
all icons created by us

last updated: 2/12/24

Nico (๐Ÿ’–)

Name(s): Nico, Nic, Bear
Age: Body
Species: Human(?)
Pronouns: He/They/Vey
Gender identity: Trans man
Sexuality: Questioning

Role(s): Core, Host, Gatekeeper
Source: None
Sourcemates?: N/A
Voiceclaim: The body's
TQ: None
Ask to front: Yes
Extra: Nearly always at front (help)


Benrey (๐Ÿ›‚)

Name(s): benrey, benny
Age: something
Species: benrey
Pronouns: he/ze/it/blue
Gender identity: benrey
Sexuality: i like men

Role(s): co-host, caretaker, soother, etc+
Source: hlvrai
Sourcemates?: yes yes
Voiceclaim: same as source
TQ: all lowercase text
Ask to front: yes pls
Extra: personal carrd


Klaus (๐Ÿ‘ป)

Name(s): Klaus, Klausy
Age: 31
Species: Human
Pronouns: He/She/They/It/Ghost
Gender identity: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Gay

Role(s): Host, Emotional Protector, etc+
Source: The Umbrella Academy (Netflix)
Sourcemates?: Ye
Voiceclaim: Same as source
TQ: 99% of the time can't spell
Ask to front: Yeye
Extra: Personal carrd


Cr1TiKaL (๐ŸŒถ๏ธ)

Name(s): Cr1TiKaL, penguinz0, Charles/Charlie
Age: 27
Species: Human
Pronouns: He/Xe
Gender identity: Cassgender
Sexuality: ?

Role(s): Mood lifter, social alter
Source: Factive (YouTuber)
Sourcemates?: Sure
Voiceclaim: Same as source
TQ: Blunt? Doesn't use tone indicators.
Ask to front: Hell yeah
Extra: Front-triggered by cock and ball jokes


Sans (๐Ÿฉป)

Name(s): Sans, WDG-1 S
Age: Ageless
Species: Skeleton
Pronouns: He/Un
Gender identity: Male
Sexuality: Asexual

Role(s): Instability holder
Source: Handplates (Undertale AU)
Sourcemates?: Depends
Voiceclaim: Starbot Dubs' VA
TQ: All messages begin with *
Ask to front: Sure
Extra: Interact with caution


Frankie (๐Ÿ’ฅ)

Name(s): Frankie (do NOT call me Frank)
Age: 16-17
Species: Human
Pronouns: He/They/Bitch (/srs)
Gender identity: Male (?)
Sexuality: Gay

Role(s): Co-Host, Avenger, Anger Holder
Source: None
Sourcemates?: N/A
Voiceclaim: Lars from Steven Universe
TQ: None
Ask to front: Depends
Extra: Rage incarnate (/mj)


Terms to use
โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹…โœงโ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€

Moonlit or Kay are our collective names (Moonlit is preferred). They/He/Luna pronouns. Masc & neutral terms only.
All frequent fronters;;
Refer to them by their names. He/Him pronouns are okay for all our frequent fronters. Only Klaus is okay with feminine terms and pronouns.
Any littles;;
Do not refer to any littles with pet names; it makes all of them uncomfortable. Treat them gently and kindly, but not condescendingly.
Persecutors and malicitors;;
The term "evil alter" is harmful. Some alters can be bad people, but not necessarily evil. "Psychotic" is also harmful to use. Do not stereotype alters.


โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹…โœงโ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€

Before you follow;;
we are not officially diagnosed with DID, UDD, or OSDD, but we're currently in therapy for it, hoping to get a diagnosis, and will try to update whenever that happens.
Do not interact if;;
lgbt-exclus, terf, (no)map/supporters, zoos, lolisho, pro-harassment, radical anti and/or radical proshipper, discourse/syscourse blogs, kink blogs, under 15 - above 30


Yes โœ“No โœ—